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1400 Washington Street
Canton, Massachusetts 02021

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Canton Junction
The Early Days

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The original Canton Junction, probably early 1880's.
The Revere family horse car is to the right.

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Canton Junction in 1871.  This was scanned from a tin type.

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The Engine F. W. Lincoln from the Stoughton Branch Railroad
at Canton Junction in 1871. From a tin type.

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George Howard, younger son of Richard Howard.


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Looking northbound towards Canton Junction from near
the Viaduct in 1871.  From a tin type.

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The Revere Family horse car.

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The Revere Family horse car on their track.  The main line
can be seen in the rear.  Hugh MacPherson is at the reins.

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Canton Depot in Canton Center in 1917.  Canton's draftees
board the train to Boston on their way to war.


There is a picture of the Viaduct on our home page and at
the Viaduct Page.  There are more railroad pictures and
stories at the Stoughton Branch Railroad Page.
While you are here stop by our Blue Hill Street Railway Pages.

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Created with FrontPage 98

Last Updated
12/07/02 03:10 PM

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